setEmails($emails); } if ($sender) { $this->setSenderEmail($sender); } } function _parseEmail($email) { $parts = explode('@', $email); $domain = array_pop($parts); $user= implode('@', $parts); return array($user, $domain); } /** * Set the Emails to validate * @param $emails Array List of Emails */ function setEmails($emails) { foreach($emails as $email) { list($user, $domain) = $this->_parseEmail($email); if (!isset($this->domains[$domain])) { $this->domains[$domain] = array(); } $this->domains[$domain][] = $user; } } /** * Set the Email of the sender/validator * @param $email String */ function setSenderEmail($email) { $parts = $this->_parseEmail($email); $this->from_user = $parts[0]; $this->from_domain = $parts[1]; } /** * Validate Email Addresses * @param String $emails Emails to validate (recipient emails) * @param String $sender Sender's Email * @return Array Associative List of Emails and their validation results */ function validate($emails = false, $sender = false) { $results = array(); if ($emails) { $this->setEmails($emails); } if ($sender) { $this->setSenderEmail($sender); } // query the MTAs on each Domain foreach($this->domains as $domain=>$users) { $mxs = array(); // retrieve SMTP Server via MX query on domain list($hosts, $mxweights) = $this->queryMX($domain); // retrieve MX priorities for($n=0; $n < count($hosts); $n++){ $mxs[$hosts[$n]] = $mxweights[$n]; } asort($mxs); // last fallback is the original domain array_push($mxs, $this->domain); $this->debug(print_r($mxs, 1)); $timeout = $this->max_conn_time/count($hosts); // try each host while(list($host) = each($mxs)) { // connect to SMTP server $this->debug("try $host:$this->port\n"); if ($this->sock = fsockopen($host, $this->port, $errno, $errstr, (float) $timeout)) { stream_set_timeout($this->sock, $this->max_read_time); break; } } // did we get a TCP socket if ($this->sock) { $reply = fread($this->sock, 2082); $this->debug("<<<\n$reply"); preg_match('/^([0-9]{3}) /ims', $reply, $matches); $code = isset($matches[1]) ? $matches[1] : ''; if($code != '220') { // MTA gave an error... foreach($users as $user) { $results[$user.'@'.$domain] = false; } continue; } // say helo $this->send("HELO ".$this->from_domain); // tell of sender $this->send("MAIL FROM: <".$this->from_user.'@'.$this->from_domain.">"); // ask for each recepient on this domain foreach($users as $user) { // ask of recepient $reply = $this->send("RCPT TO: <".$user.'@'.$domain.">"); // get code and msg from response preg_match('/^([0-9]{3}) /ims', $reply, $matches); $code = isset($matches[1]) ? $matches[1] : ''; if ($code == '250') { // you received 250 so the email address was accepted $results[$user.'@'.$domain] = true; } elseif ($code == '451' || $code == '452') { // you received 451 so the email address was greylisted (or some temporary error occured on the MTA) - so assume is ok $results[$user.'@'.$domain] = true; } else { $results[$user.'@'.$domain] = false; } } // quit $this->send("quit"); // close socket fclose($this->sock); } } return $results; } function send($msg) { fwrite($this->sock, $msg."\r\n"); $reply = fread($this->sock, 2082); $this->debug(">>>\n$msg\n"); $this->debug("<<<\n$reply"); return $reply; } /** * Query DNS server for MX entries * @return */ function queryMX($domain) { $hosts = array(); $mxweights = array(); if (function_exists('getmxrr')) { getmxrr($domain, $hosts, $mxweights); } else { // windows, we need Net_DNS require_once 'Net/DNS.php'; $resolver = new Net_DNS_Resolver(); $resolver->debug = $this->debug; // nameservers to query $resolver->nameservers = $this->nameservers; $resp = $resolver->query($domain, 'MX'); if ($resp) { foreach($resp->answer as $answer) { $hosts[] = $answer->exchange; $mxweights[] = $answer->preference; } } } return array($hosts, $mxweights); } /** * Simple function to replicate PHP 5 behaviour. */ function microtime_float() { list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime()); return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec); } function debug($str) { if ($this->debug) { echo htmlentities($str); } } } ?>