
Social network for stock investors

Search through stocks across different exchanges

Realtime and relevant stock information

CMS to edit the website and manage user content

Stockviews is the social network for investors who are serious about stocks. Stockviews aggregates stock views from Wall Street, from Twitter, from top stock investors, from various news sources and from other users.

Stockviews approached us to create a new social network targetted at stock investors. The web application aggregates stock news from all major finance news sources. Twitter updates are filtered and ranked by the most relevant tweets on a particular stock. Upto date stock recommendations from analysts over 100 different companies including Citi, JP Morgan, Jeffries. Stockviews also provide upto date BUY and SELL recommendation from top 40 investors including Warren Buffet, Carl Icahn and so on. Stockviews takes stock analysis even further as stock performance is calculated on every recommendation from a member or analyst. This allows users to follow analysts and members that have a great track record. The website also automatically identifies hot stocks based on data points from twitter, news sources and new recommendations from star traders.

  • Web Development
  • Content Management System


"Webdigi provided the entire package with determined efficiency, sticking to the timetable and to the budget. The project was a challenging one and they delivered on all fronts to create a website that was aesthetically pleasing and easy to use. I would be surprised if there is a better team out there and cannot recommend them highly enough." Thomas Beevers, Stockviews CEO